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The Rebellion (The Viral Superhero Series Book 6) Page 9

  Erica called out to one of the guards. "I'd like an audience with the god of the sky!"

  The merman acknowledged her and swam out of the enclosed area.

  Doren huffed. "Not a great plan to be there one-on-one with him, chief. You sure you don't want backup?"

  Erica saw the guard swimming back toward them. As he lifted himself out of the water, he turned his back toward her as if to offer a piggyback ride.

  She smiled. "Don't worry. We're old friends. He probably won't stab me in the back twice."

  Despite protestations from Ted and Natalie, Erica hopped on the back of the merman and sped away from the prison.

  Yoshi was sitting down to dinner when Erica arrived. As he'd mentioned, there was a large serving of some sort of glowing seaweed on his plate. She wondered if the stuff would come in handy during the war.

  The samurai gestured across from him. "Please. Sit. I'm anxious to hear how you plan to convince me."

  She sat and stared into his eyes. "First of all, you owe me after your betrayal. I saved your life back in Japan, and all you did was try to end mine."

  He took a forkful of seaweed into his mouth and chewed. "This isn't about favors or what one of us owes the other. I felt as though you owed me a shot at being the living soul. You didn't give it, so I tried to take it. And though it didn't work out, I'd say I got what I deserved."

  Erica knew that the elders of Yoshi's community would stab him for such blasphemy. "Are you truly happy here? You're a warrior and now you've settled down. I think that seaweed may have also put on a few pounds while you've been lethargic on the throne."

  Yoshi's face turned serious for a moment before he chuckled once again. "I suppose I have gotten out of fighting shape a bit. Maybe you're right, but I still don't think it's a compelling enough argument for me to put my people at risk for your war."

  Erica stood and shook her head. "This used to be our war."

  "Priorities change. What makes your thousand-year war different from a century ago?"

  Erica leaned in. "You're not the least bit intrigued by an army filled with species throughout the universe? Does a warrior like yourself really not want to be a part of it?"

  Yoshi seemed intrigued by the idea for a moment. "It is tempting. But I can't just give you these soldiers."

  She smirked. "Name your price. I have a feeling we can work out something." Yoshi smiled an unsettling smile.

  Erica watched the rest of her team gather in the throne room. She hadn't told them the price they'd have to pay to get the water support they needed. Most of them seemed hopeful, though Doren looked like he wanted to slice the samurai's head off.

  Yoshi was back seated calmly on his throne. "Your fearless leader has a proposal for me. I have graciously accepted it."

  Ted gave an uneasy look toward Erica. "What were the terms? What are we losing here?"

  Erica ignored him and stepped forward. "I challenge you to one-on-one combat. A member of my team versus a member of your team."

  Yoshi grinned. "I accept."

  The team erupted into arguments. But Erica kept looking forward. "I choose you, god of the sky. I challenge you."

  Yoshi bowed and stood. "And I choose the human."

  Ted walked to the base of the throne. "You're going to regret this choice."

  The samurai chuckled again. "Not you, living soul. I choose the human. I believe you call her Natalie."


  Dhiraj was just a few steps in front of Jennifer as they walked in handcuffs down the White House hallway. Kristen led them forward, telling everyone they passed by that she was bringing the prisoners to the General. Of course, no such meeting was scheduled, and whenever Dhiraj passed a clock, he counted down the minutes until their plan would go into action.

  As they turned the corner, the three of them were alone momentarily.

  Kristen spoke under her breath. "I'm not sure this is a good idea. Your girlfriend is limping."

  Dhiraj glanced back to see that Jennifer indeed was dragging her right foot a bit. Dhiraj wished they'd had the opportunity to assault the Secret Service men who'd attacked her and the sheriff.

  He kept his voice low as well. "The three of us go together or none of us go. It's the only way this is going to work."

  Jennifer coughed. He knew she wasn't in the best condition to move, but this could be their only opportunity to escape.

  Jennifer's voice sounded a bit hoarse. "And who are you again exactly?"

  Kristen gave a sharp laugh. "I was the one keeping Dhiraj alive in here. You're the one who broke up with him and hid in a bubble for a month right?"

  Jennifer mumbled something under her breath.

  Dhiraj would've put up both hands if he could, though the handcuffs prevented him from doing so. "Ladies, ladies. There's enough Dhiraj to go around."

  That got Kristen and Jennifer's ire at exactly the same moment. Dhiraj felt his face grow hot. "I'm kidding. Of course I'm kidding."

  Jennifer shook her head. "We could leave without him."

  Kristen snickered. "The thought had crossed my mind."

  Dhiraj ignored the tightening of his stomach as he realized they were only a short distance away from the secret door out. Using the clock in his head, he realized they were only a minute or two from the cameras and coms shutting down completely. There was only one problem. Right in front of their way out were three guards. And all of them looked straight into Dhiraj's eyes.

  Like the pro she was, Kristen took things in stride. "Gentlemen. You hear about the protestors trying to get in on the east side?"

  The largest of the three guards smiled. "I think we have enough men over there to handle it. But can a little lady like you handle these two prisoners?"

  Kristen smiled. "You handle your equipment and I'll handle mine."

  Kristen continued to walk past as the fellow guard grabbed her arm. Dhiraj felt his pulse begin to race.

  "You think I'm not on to you? I've seen the extra time you've spent in his cell. You having a little human fling on the side?"

  Dhiraj's eyes darted back between Kristen and the guard. He wasn't sure what to do.

  Kristen put her fingers around the guard's hand and pried him off of her. "I should've known you were jealous. The way you were looking at him."

  Before the guard could respond to his chuckling coworkers and Kristen's retort, the lights flickered for a moment before going dark. Auxiliary power kicked on a set of dim lights that barely illuminated the hall.

  The guard's forehead wrinkled. "What the hell?"

  Kristen twisted the man's arm against the joint. He yelped in pain until she brought her boot onto his neck. He fell hard to the ground. Dhiraj and Jennifer easily pulled off the unlocked handcuffs. As one of the guards drew his weapon, Jennifer surprisingly sprang into action. She kicked away one gun with incredible force and used the handcuffs like brass knuckles to the head of the third guard. Kristen helped to finish them off with a powerful set of punches that left them unconscious.

  She pressed a few buttons on a keypad and the secret door slid open. "Maybe you will be good to have around."

  Jennifer raised an eyebrow. "I appreciate the compliment."

  Dhiraj ushered the two of them through the door. "I'm glad you two are getting along so well. Now let's get out of here before more of them come."

  The door shut behind them as the trio moved quickly through the corridor. While the lights were out, Kristen's high-powered flashlight lit the way. Dhiraj felt himself tiring as they turned down what seemed like an endless number of corridors. As his chest heaved, he was surprised to see Kristen stop at the junction of two hallways. She handed the flashlight to Jennifer. "I hear more guards coming this way. But don't worry I have a plan for this." She removed what looked like a small device with a little red button in the center. "Just keep heading straight that way and you'll get out. There's a car with the engine running for you. You should have enough time to get out before the garage closes."

p; Dhiraj put up a hand. "Wait. What do you mean backup plan? You're coming with us."

  Jennifer grabbed his shoulder. "No she's not. We've got to go."

  Dhiraj felt his chest continue to constrict. "No. What are you doing with that?"

  Kristen smiled. "It's been great knowing you. Do everything you can to stop the General. I have faith in you."

  Dhiraj tried to stand his ground, but Jennifer was surprisingly strong pulling him to his feet and dragging him away.

  Dhiraj shook his head. "No! Stop!"

  The sound of several guards came from the way they'd escaped.

  Kristen gave a small wave. "Goodbye, Dhiraj."

  When Dhiraj saw Kirsten hit the detonator, his legs finally got the idea to start moving. The explosion erupted behind them, and Jennifer and Dhiraj barely made it out in time. The sound shorted out Dhiraj's eardrums as the ceiling started collapsing behind them. When they were clear of the blast, Dhiraj looked back for Kristen. But all he saw was rubble piled high to the ceiling. She'd blocked off anyone from pursuing the escapees.

  Jennifer took Dhiraj's hand. "She wasn't so bad after all. We need to go."

  He took a deep breath. "It isn't fair. None of this has been fair."

  "The settlement isn't going to save itself, Dhiraj. Are you ready?"

  Dhiraj knew Jennifer was right, but he sent up a silent prayer to whatever god might be listening that Kristen would survive.

  "All right. But I'm driving."

  She smiled. "Let's see who gets there first." The two of them took off toward the garage and their next stop toward freedom.


  After he got over the initial shock, Ted stepped between Yoshi's throne and Natalie.

  His heart raced. "Absolutely not. Challenge me! I volunteer."

  Natalie grabbed Ted's arm. "This isn't the Hunger Games, you dolt. He picked me."

  "That doesn't mean we have to accept. We are not pitting you against a freaking samurai so that we can get some mermaids to blow up the General's ships."

  Yoshi seemed to be enjoying this quite thoroughly from his high vantage point. "If you don't have my trained warriors at your side, I have a feeling the other water worlds won't join your ranks either. Without us, your navy is pathetic."

  Erica shook her head. "This wasn't the deal we discussed, Yoshi."

  The god of the sky met her eyes. "This is exactly what we discussed. One-on-one combat for the use of my army. It's not my fault you thought that I would challenge you or the living soul. We can make the fight as fair as you want, but the fight is going to be against her."

  Ted floated high into the air until he was completely level with Yoshi. The mermen didn't hesitate with three of them chucking their spears in his direction. Ted easily used his mind to freeze the weapons in midair. The sea creatures gasped at the alarming sight.

  "I'll do it."

  Ted released the weapons, which clattered to the ground beside his teammates. "No you won't!"

  Natalie glared at the living soul. "We fight to submission, not death. If I win, you give us your full army. You recruit your allies to join our side. And, you'll be the one to lead them into battle. If you win, we leave you alone as king of the fish."

  Yoshi bowed. "I accept your fair terms. The duel begins tomorrow at daybreak. I would get some sleep if I were you."

  Yoshi hopped off his throne and landed on the back of one of his guards. He looked almost majestic as the creature swam away, carrying his leader with him. Ted remained in the air as he focused his frustration on Natalie. "This isn't exactly a high percentage play. You really want to go one-on-one with a guy who's trained all his life to fight? And if you lose, do you really think he'll let you live?"

  Natalie put her hands on her hips. "You're saying you don't trust me?"

  "Not trusting you and you setting yourself up to fail are two different things."

  Erica sighed. "It's not the hand I would have chosen, but it's the hand we've been dealt."

  Natalie turned her ire toward the protector. "We're trying to win a war here, people. I didn't even want to be on this mission. And now that I have a chance to secure us a freaking navy to take down the General, who you two more or less let take over Earth, I think it's a worthy cause."

  Doren backed up Natalie. "This human has fire. She wouldn't be my last choice for battle."

  Natalie turned and raised an eyebrow. "I appreciate the almost confidence, Doren."

  "Don't mention it."

  Ted returned to the ground beside Natalie and looked into the eyes he'd stared into hundreds of times before. "I know you're strong. I know you have a bit of a death wish right now. I just don't want to see you get killed."

  Natalie's look was one of frustration. "If I am going to die, it should be for the cause."

  With that, she stormed out of the throne room, two mermen flanking her as she exited.

  Ted walked over to Erica. "There's no way we can let this happen."

  Erica pursed her lips. "You can't protect somebody if they don't want to be protected, Ted. The best thing we can do now is support Natalie and make sure she has every chance of winning this thing. Are you on board with that?"

  Ted grumbled and looked down at his feet. "Fine. But I don't have to be happy about it."

  Doren snorted. "You are the whiniest superhero I have ever met."

  Ted gave him the stink eye as he left the room, using his powers to tie Doren's laces together as he exited.

  Ted found Natalie alone in a training room Yoshi had given her to prepare in. There were a variety of weapons lining a rack near the front door. Natalie held a long bow-staff in her hands and spun it around. It was as if she was trying to get used to the weight of it as she moved. Unsurprisingly, she looked like an expert even after handling it for just a few minutes.

  Ted watched his ex-girlfriend move through the room like a rehearsed ballet dancer. Every movement was precise. Every strike of the staff would be potentially deadly in the right place. She seemed to notice him the moment he walked in, but she remained silent as she swung the staff through the room.

  After a few too many moments of staring, Ted spoke up. "I'm sorry."

  Natalie let one end of the staff slam into the ground. The noise echoed throughout the chamber. She looked bothered at his presence. "Is this just a blanket apology for all past transgressions? Or are you actually sorry about something?"

  Ted laughed to himself. "I suppose there's a lot of things I could be sorry about. I'm sorry we broke up because I was still hung up on Erica. I'm sorry I got you trapped on another planet and let you get tortured and separated. Sorry I agreed to a deal with a madman who put everyone we love in danger. I guess a blanket apology wouldn't really cover all of that."

  Natalie grabbed another staff off the weapon rack and tossed it to Ted. He caught it in his left hand.

  "While you're apologizing for all the crap you put me through, how about we spar a little?"

  Ted nodded and got into a ready position. Natalie came at him with a scream, and he barely put up his weapon in time. She was far too fast for him if he was left to his own devices, but his powers made him just quick enough to survive the onslaught. He blocked a flurry of six quick blows and braced himself as Natalie pushed her staff into his.

  "Do you remember when you just got your powers? And you used them to beat me in basketball?"

  Ted pushed his staff off of hers and flipped backwards high into the air. He landed softly and brought the staff back up to an attack position. "I remember you fouling me. You weren't a big fan of losing."

  Natalie winked. "I still don't like losing."

  Natalie threw the staff like a javelin. With the wooden staff headed for his face, he used his powers to block it. As it froze in midair, Natalie ripped it from his mental grasp and swung it like a baseball bat into his back. Ted fell forward but pressed his hands into the ground to donkey kick into Natalie's legs. As she fell, Ted wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted his hips onto hers. S
he attempted to slam the staff into his chest, but Ted caught it. There they were, Ted on top of Natalie with the staff pushed between them.

  Ted could feel himself warming to both the heat of battle and being so close to the woman he loved.

  He gritted his teeth as he pushed the staff toward her. "So, what are you going to do if Yoshi gets you in this position?"

  Natalie stuck out her tongue for just a second as she used her hips and the staff to roll Ted sideways. It took only a second for her to gain the upper hand on top of him.

  She smiled. "Something like that. But I have a feeling he won't stop to banter like you do."

  Ted took the staff and Natalie's hips back in the other direction giving him the momentary control. "Samurai aren't known for banter." Ted ripped the staff from Natalie's hands and flung it to the side. Now it was just the two of them lying on the ground. Natalie put up her forearms as if to block an oncoming strike. Instead, the living soul moved his hands up Natalie's forearms until his fingers reached hers. As if it were instinct, the two of them interlocked their digits and their hands clasped. Ted wasn't sure how long they silently held hands, but he wondered if there was a way to freeze time in just this moment.

  Natalie let out a deep breath. "I have a feeling Yoshi isn't going to hold my hand."

  Ted tightened his grip. "I think you're probably right about that."

  Natalie was the first to pull away, moving her hands to Ted's chest. "This probably isn't a good idea."

  He nodded and looked away before turning back. "I know it isn't. But if the end of the world is possibly on it's way, maybe good ideas and bad ideas don't matter anymore."

  Natalie chuckled and worked her way out from under Ted. She sat by his side and continued to laugh.

  Ted looked at her intently. "What? What are you laughing about?"

  "It's nothing. I think your game has gotten a little better since you became a superhero." She punched him hard in the arm. "Thanks for sparring with me."

  Ted used his powers to make the pain from the forming bruise dissipate. He and Natalie stood up in sync.